Show Title: Rotten in the State of Denmark
Company: Bard in the Valley
Director: Darcy J Knopp
Producer: Brad Hendy
All performances begin at 7:00pm with a call time of 5:30pm.
The Fort Langley Community Hall
January 23, 24, 25, 26 ,30, 31 February 1st, 2nd
Thank you for your interest in our production, we look forward to seeing you at auditions.
Open Auditions: Sunday, September 8, (11-3pm) and Monday, September 9th (6:30pm - 9:30pm)
Bard in the Valley is grateful to be able offer a $500 honorarium to actors performing in this production. Book your audition by submitting your resume and headshot to the left. Be sure to include your preferred date.
BIV performs, rehearses, & gathers on the unceded lands of the Kwantlen, Katzie, Matsqui, Semiahmoo & Sumas First nations